Today I thought I’d talk about where it all began. My Zodiac
cyborg series that is, not life or any heavyweight topic like that (which is a
conversation for a very different time and place, possibly after large amounts
of [insert drink of choice here] have been consumed).
I’m a very visual person, so anything, literally anything
can spark an idea. The look on a person’s face right down to the reflections on
the surface of water (it’s happened, believe me!) but the idea for the cyborg
series came a long time ago in my local cinema. Before DD came along, myself
and my hubby used to go to the cinema a lot (we’re now way too crabby to put up
with people kicking the backs of the seats and munching snacks around us) and
one of the films we went to see was Soldier with Kurt Russell.
I didn’t expect it to affect me on so many levels, or stay
with me for years. I have to say that I didn’t expect the sheer level of
performance from Kurt Russell as Sergeant Todd, nor the heartbreaking aspects
of a character raised from birth to be a soldier.
Stripped of everything we associate with childhood Todd and
his classmates / brothers (I don’t recall seeing any girls in the group) are
taught tactics, military strategy, problem solving and how to kill from a young
That in itself is bad enough, and you’d be forgiven for
thinking that it would then create a group of loud, overbearing and arrogant
soldier-types confident in their abilities and the fact they are the best of
the best.
This is far from the truth. Todd and his men tug at the
heartstrings as we see them simply sitting motionless when off duty, and when
asked about his feelings later in the film Todd replies:
“Fear. Discipline and fear. Always.”
The delivery and the look on Todd’s face during this scene
and his emotional journey through the film resonated with me on a very deep
level and actually sparked two separate series. The Zodiac cyborgs, like Todd,
were all selected to become soldiers but unlike Todd, they were genetically
engineered to take the cybernetic implants that make them what they are. Like
Todd, they have no childhood, but they are never children in the strictest
sense of the world as they are matured in tanks to adulthood. Like Todd, they
have no choice what they will become, or even what class of cyborg they will
turn out to be. And I’ll admit, I loved the
image of the tattoos on the cheek so much, my cyborgs all have their
identification numbers on their faces, although most models have a chameleon
patch which allows them to hide this should they wish.

The hero of Aries Revealed, Johnathon, is one such cyborg.
An Aries class, he and his squad-mate have been on the run for years and he now
makes a living as a stripper on one of the outer system bases. Like Todd, he’s
the consummate soldier, like Todd, he’s not taking being obsolete and
considered dangerous lying down. Especially when a hot weekend turns into the
hijack from hell and his woman is threatened…
But to find out what an Aries class cyborg is capable of
when defending the woman he loves, you’ll have to read the book ;)
Johnny makes a living on the strip circuits. His most popular routine is as the Aries 7000. Bronzed and oiled up, he pretends to be the scourge of the universe, one of the deadly and outlawed zodiac cyborgs. But Johnny isn’t a stripper playing a cyborg. He’s a cyborg playing a stripper.
Milly, freighter captain, has had a thing for the sexy stripper for months. But when Johnny, the subject of many of her hottest fantasies, asks her out to dinner, she runs. All is not lost, a chance encounter yields an Aries 7000 sex-bot, hers for a weekend of pleasure.
It seems too good to be true. Sex with the man of her dreams, without risking her heart. Only her bot has some secrets, secrets that could save her life when the past returns to haunt her.
Available NOW from Ellora's Cave
Mina Carter was born and raised in Middle Earth (otherwise known as the Midlands, England). After a slew of careers ranging from logistics to land-surveying she can now be found in the wilds of Leicestershire with her husband and young daughter…the true boss of the family.

A full time author and cover artist, Mina can usually be found hunched over a keyboard or graphics tablet, frantically trying to get the images and words in her head out and onto the screen before they drive her mad. She's addicted to coffee and Nutella on toast.
Wow! How I had forgotten about the movie Soldier...oldie but goodie! I have read some of Mina Carter's books and have enjoyed them. I am definitely going to check this one out as well.